
Si marketerii gresesc: cele mai frecvente erori in trimiterea de emailuri

Un studiu realizat de The Creative Group in State a descoperit ca aproximativ 8 din 10 marketeri au facut greseli importante in trimiterea de emailuri colegilor si clientilor. Cele mai frecvente erori:

  • “Someone sent out confidential salary information to the whole firm.”
  • “I once sent a job offer to the wrong person.”
  • “An employee sent his resume to me by mistake. It was supposed to go to an outside company.”
  • “Someone made a nasty comment about a supervisor and it was sent to the supervisor by mistake. It eventually led to dismissal.”
  • “A person called another employee an idiot in an e-mail to everyone in the company.”
  • “One of our vendors accidentally e-mailed me information about their sales performance, so I gained some inside knowledge about that vendor.”
  • “My receptionist sent a very gossipy and catty e-mail about another employee to the wrong person. It was so unprofessional that she was terminated.”
  • “We sent an e-mail to a client that was meant for a vendor. It made it difficult when the client had seen our costs.”
  • “Confidential information about one client was sent to a different client. It was certainly embarrassing.”
  • “Someone crafted a scathing, sarcastic e-mail about a customer and did not mean to hit ‘send.’ It caused problems.”
  • “I once sent an internal memo about restroom etiquette to a prospective client by accident.”
  • “Someone sent me a copy of an employee’s bank records by mistake.”
  • “Someone meant to send a racy picture to a couple of friends but ended up sending it to the entire staff, which caused her much embarrassment.”

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