
Etichetă culori

Tendinte: Ce culori vor fi folosite in 2011

Pantone a emis cateva predictii legate de culorile ce vor fi folosite in 2011. Nu sunt reguli general valabile, ci doar trenduri. Se anticipeaza ca vor fi utilizate mai des culorile vii, ce genereaza emotii.

Black: Black’s presence will diminish in 2011. We’ll still see black used, but they’ll be closer to very dark blues or greens that are nearly black.

Blue: Will be more important next year. It suggests hope, healing, serenity and tranquility.

Red: Attention-getting combinations like red with orange or a pink/red used with a super bright red.

Pink: Used in all forms from aggressive and bright to pale pink.

Green: Becoming overused to suggest ecology. Green will be used in more ways than just for „green” companies or products.

Purple: Diminishing importance in 2011. Will move towards lavender and blue purples.

Orange: Paired combinations like a carrot orange used with white and apricot orange with blue.

Brown: Everything from cocoa brown to nut brown. Organic.

Yellow: Golden yellows will have a strong presence in 2011.

White: More faded shades of colors like very pale pink, blue, yellow, etc. instead of pure, clean, crisp white.


Oare cat de mult poate creste in importanta albastrul, tinand cont ca este deja culoarea folosita cel mai des online?

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