Nici un marketing manager n-a fost dat afară pentru că a cheltuit 70% din buget pe TV.
Ideea asta, gasita in postul scris de Alex la RoNewMedia, nu imi da pace. Pentru ca e adevarata. Ne-am obisnuit asa de mult cu campaniile TV, incat atunci cand un marketer propune o campanie de promovare care sa nu includa TV-ul in mixul de medii e privit ca un nebun.
Converteste chiar asa de bine reclama TV? Isi merita ea banii, care sa recunoastem, nu sunt deloc putini.
Cat costa o reclama TV? Depinde de postul TV, de negociere, de intervalul orar in care este difuzat, dar un spot de 30 de secunde la o televiziune cu acoperire nationala poate costa intre 3000 si 10000 de euro in prime time (ora de varf), pret de ratecard. De aici urmeaza discounturile in functie de contracte, volumul cumparat etc.
Si pentru ca tot se recomanda ca reclamele TV sa fie folosite in campanii alaturi de online mi-am amintit de un experiment realizat recent in S.U.A pentru a verifica impactul reclamelor TV asupra telespectatorilor.
Un website a fost promovat la TV, cu scopul de a atrage trafic. Vizitatorii puteau descarca gratuit de pe site primele doua capitole dintr-o carte. Dupa o luna de reclame aparute la TV si 8,3 milioane de vizualizari site-ul a pimit doar 112 vizite si mai putin de jumatate au completat campurile nume si adresa de email, solicitand capitolele gratuite din carte.
Alternativ, aceeasi reclama care a aparut la TV a fost urcata pe Youtube, unde a avut 5000 de vizualizari, a generat 1375 de vizite, mai mult de jumatate dintre vizitatori solicitand capitolele gratuite.
Joel Comm is the author of “KaChing: How to Run an Online Business that Pays and Pays.” Let me take a moment here to say, I haven’t read his book, only the first two chapters and the press release he put out today, but I thought the point was a good one so with that caveat in mind. . .
Comm ran an advertising experiment comparing TV ads to online ads. He hired a firm to create a commercial then ran it 230 times during a 10-day period in October on such popular shows as The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Fast Money, Man vs. Food, Mad Men, and Wall Street Journal Report.
The ad offered a URL ( where people could go to download the first two chapters of the book for free. There was no request to buy and no toll-free number. The ad was designed simply to drive traffic to the website for the purpose of collecting email addresses of potential buyers. Here’s where Comm inserts his own caveat, which is that the ad only ran last month, so there’s no telling the long term affect but at the moment, it was a flop. Despite 8.3 million impressions, he only got 112 visits and less than half of those people filled out the two lines needed to get the free download.
Says Comm,
“This is a massive failure. This is proof that old media calls to action do not translate to sales on new media. People who watch TV rarely take note of the ad and they aren’t motivated to go online as a result. TV is about branding and keeping a brand in the forefront of a consumer’s mind.”
In contrast, Comm ran the same ad on YouTube, got 5,000 views and 1,375 visits, a conversion rate of almost 33%. More than half the visitors requested the two free chapters and it didn’t cost a cent to run the video on YouTube vs the price of buying commercial time on TV.
In concluzie, mai sunt eficiente reclamele TV? Depinde pe cine intrebi si ce produs vrei sa promovezi. Pentru unele produse si servicii o reclama TV poate fi solutia perfecta (medicamente, servicii generaliste, bunuri de larg consum), dar daca vrei sa promovezi site-uri sau servicii online eu as merge pe promovarea prin acelasi mediu, internetul.