
Diferențele între Google+, Facebook și Twitter

Am găsit articolul aici, dar pun și pe blog principalele diferențe, poate mai sunt și alții interesați, mai ales că primesc des întrebarea: De ce aș folosi Twitter, Facebook sau Google+?

Acum puteți să le comparați și să alegeți singuri care rețea socială se pliază cel mai bine nevoilor voastre. Eu am mai zis, Facebook o folosesc pentru a păstra legătura cu prietenii, Twitter pentru noutăți și linkuri interesante, iar Google+, hmm, încă nu i-am găsit o utilizare exactă.

Google Plus Features

1. Google+ Plus Circles you can add or remove any to circle just by drag and drop.
2. You can create Hangout by clicking Start a Hangout button. Using Hangout we can create audio/video conference with any circle or individual users.
3. Google+ Profile pictures to rotate through them.
4. Google+ Creative kit. Easy way to edit your photos.
5. Google Plus Badge
6. Google plus developers
7. Bold and decorate your text on Google Plus
•(*)bold(*): Add * before and after the message.
•(_)italics(_): Add _ before and after the message.
•(-)strike-through(-): Add – before and after the message.
8. Options to Disable Comments and Disable Reshare
9. Google Talk / Chat is also built withing Google+ which enables chat, video and audio call within Google+.
10.Games on Google Plus
11.Resize the Chat Box in Google+. To do so, just drag the box by its corner or sides.
12.You can even Block any person for sharing posts with you using Block this person and can Report Abuse against him as shown in above image.
14. Coming soon
– Google Maps
– Google earth
– ….
15. 44 millions users
16. Google plus business profile page

Facebook Features

1. Timeline — Facebook’s new profile format
2. Games on Facebook.com
3. Chat with Skype on Facebook
4. Facebook developers ( becoming difficults to develop on Facebook ).
5. 5000 friends maximum
6. If some users report you, you’ll be banned.
7. Photo Album
8. Complicated privacy settings for beginners
9. 600 millions users
10. The ticker – Status Update
11. Notifications
12. Block email notifications
13. Facebook business profile page

Twitter Features

1. Send and read other users updates (known as tweets)
2. Twitter messages(tweets) are limited to 140 characters
3. Send and receive updates via the Twitter website, SMS(text messages), RSS (receive only), emails or a third party application.
4. Restrict delivery to your circle of friends (delivery to everyone is the default).
5. Use third party application such as Tweetie, Twitterrific, and Feedalizr to send Twitter messages.
6. Search for people by name or user name, import friends from other networks, or invite friends via email.
7. You can be folowed by millions people
8. Games on Twitter
9. Applications on Twitter
10. 225 millions users
11. Easy way to reshared post.


3 Comentarii

  1. Eu folosesc G+ pentru a ma conecta cu oameni pe diferite nise. In cazul meu, Inbound Marketing si Internet Security. Datorita sistemului de cercuri, e foarte usor sa engage-uiesti doar cum oameni cu aceleasi interese.

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