Explicatia lor din punct de vedere al pozitionarii:
By changing the name to Syfy, which remains phonetically identical, the new brand broadens perceptions and embraces a wider range of current and future imagination-based entertainment beyond just the traditional sci-fi genre, including fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, reality, mystery, action and adventure. It also positions the brand for future growth by creating an ownable trademark that can travel easily with consumers across new media and nonlinear digital platforms, new international channels and extend into new business ventures.
„Imagine Greater” will become the new brand message and tagline, inviting both consumers and advertisers into a new era of unlimited imagination, exceptional experiences and greater entertainment.
Mai pe scurt vor sa creeze un brand distinct, care va fi „on air” oficial incepand cu 7 iulie. Totusi, mie imi place logo-ul actual. Comunicatul de presa aici.