Recent Facebook a lansant “Like”, un buton care poate fi plasat pe orice site. Cat timp esti conectat la profilul tau de Facebook si apesi acel buton, articolul, clipul video, foptografia, melodia sau chiar site-ul placut de tine va apare in profilul tau de Facebook. Pare o facilitate utila, nu?
Ce spune Facebook despre noua facilitate?
To improve your experience and promote consistency across the site, we’ve changed the language for Pages from “Fan” to “Like.” We believe this change offers you a more light-weight and standard way to connect with people, things and topics in which you are interested.
The new ‘Like’ button will help users take advantage of and connect to the Community Pages Facebook is introducing–pages that are to serve as the ‘best collections of shared knowledge.
‘Liking’ a Facebook Page isn’t the same as ‘Liking’ a link, video, or status update a friend posts.
‘Liking a Page means you are connecting to that Page. When you connect to a Page, it will appear in your profile and you will appear on the Page as a person who likes that Page,’ Facebook says. ‘On the other hand, when you click “Like” on a piece of content that a friend posts, you are simply letting your friend know that you like it without leaving a comment.
Adevarata utilitate a butonului Like
Desi suna bine, totul se invarte de fapt in jurul profilului tau si a informatiilor care apar acolo. Facebook vrea ca tu sa postezi in profilul tau tot ce iti place pe internet.
- Iti place o anumita melodie? Apasa Like.
- Iti place o carte? Apasa Like.
- Iti place un film? Apasa Like.
- Iti place un joc? Apasa Like?
- Iti place un nou model de laptop? Apasa Like.
Dupa aceea intra in joc advertiserii, care vor gasi in profilul tau toate informatiile necesare legate de preferintele tale. Astfel ei iti pot vinde mai usor produsele pe care, nu-i asa, ti le doresti. Cu alte cuvinte, “Like” e o unealta extraordinara pentru marketeri.
Urmeaza ca Facebook sa vanda informatii despre preferintele tale companiilor. Cum ar suna anuntul?
Oferim acces la 100.000 utilizatori carora le place noua Dacia Duster!
Internetul este o piata uriasa, iar Facebook ofera tuturor posibilitatea de a spune ce vor sa cumpere. Exagerez?
P.S: daca aveam buton pentru “Like” puteai sa spui ca iti place postul asta. Nu am, dar poti doar sa ii dai “Share”.
super tare!